Sliding scale

Voice your opinion on a sliding scale

Activity generator

This tool allows a teacher to present a series of questions or activities, and then one is chosen at random


Diamonds visual organizer. Display diamond shapes with words / short phrases. Use as a visual organiser to reorder items and identify relations.


Roll the dice to select an activity

Simple Drag and Drop

This tool allows a teacher to prepare a simple drag and drop labelling activity. They upload a background image and add labels


Hexagon visual organizer. Display hexagon shapes with words / short phrases. Use as a visual organiser to reorder items and identify relations.

Magnetic Words

Enter words and sentences and drag them to around to create new sentences

Names from a hat

Select a names from a hat

Name selector

Select a name from a list


Tool that allows a teacher to present a series of ideas or instructions.

Question Spinner

Spin the wheel to pick a question


Spin the wheel to pick a name

Starter Selector

This tool allows a teacher to present a series activities, and then one is chosen at random


Swipe text to the right to like, to the left to dislike. At the end of the swipe you can see the results.


Create a timeline of events
50 %
50 %
Splash image